Have you ever heard the Steven Furtick quote that says something to the effect of, “Don’t compare your behind the scenes footage to someone else’s highlight reel?”
…Truer words were never spoken!
I love this. I think it applies to all of us in so many situations. Many of us have heard Facebook referred to as “fakebook”. And we’ve all heard the complaints about how some bloggers/ posters/ writers only post the “pretty” and leave out the “real”. I’m of the opinion that a person is free to post about, write about, talk about whatever it is they want to. But for me, if it’s negative, or whiny, or boring I’m probably not going to read it. That’s sort of the ruler by which I measure my own sharing. Sometimes I think I do a good job. And other times I know that I could have done it better. We learn. We move on.
I’m about to share some gorgeous photos that were taken of my family and our beautiful (if I do say so myself) furniture and home decor we are working on. What you are about to see is most definitely the highlight reel.
The behind the scenes footage would include things like the nearly 376 Kleenex that we used to blow Jolie’s nose during the shoot, a missing plate of cheese that was found INSIDE a piece of our furniture hours after the shoot was done (thank you Hix!), a little poison ivy, and a massive head butt that did the children in before we were “done”.

…and his spunky sidekick!

All fun and games… just before the head butt

the “smother her” hug

Doesn’t the look just say it all?
Oh… and apparently there were snakes. Fantastic. Glad I didn’t know THAT ahead of time.
I also lost my sunglasses on the way home. My awesome mom saved our lives (as she often does) by coming along and wrangling and pacifying small and large children during all the fun. In talking with her, I somehow managed to put my sunglasses on top of my car. Only I didn’t know I put them there. I headed home with both the kids thinking they were probably in one of the 34 bags we had with us. About 1/2 mile down the road (a narrow, bumpy, country road) I see my glasses fly off the roof and into the street in front of me.
So what did I do? I slammed on the brakes (I did), jumped out of my car, waved at the nice folks behind me, grabbed my glasses, put them on and jumped back in and drove my two little darlings home.
But all that… it’s not what really matters.
It’s this..
Don’t you think?
I think maybe this is why people only show the “highlight reel”. Because really all those behind the scenes details, they’re funny. But they don’t matter nearly as much to me as this.
HUGE photo credit to Jina Armstrong of Jina Armstrong Photography for putting up with all of us and our crazy ideas for this shoot. Every gorgeous picture you see here, and many on the site are to her credit. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. We love you near or far. 😉
What a beautiful family, and gorgeous pics of you all! I usually show the highlights too, but I giggled at your behind the scenes stories 🙂
Tressie, I bet you could write a BOOK on the behind the scenes… I’d be first in line to read it. You may need a pen name though! 😉
Love that quote! All those “behind the scene” snafus sure didn’t show in the beautiful photos!
Thanks so much Mo! They sure did make the evening entertaining!