Or at least that’s what I did not so long ago! It was a kick in the gut (over and over) kind of day. We all have ’em. And we all hate ’em.
Here’s what mine looked like–
1. First and foremost Zack took off to oversee some aspects of a remodel he’s working on and left with ALL of the coffee. (To be completely honest, I should have just stopped right then and there. Next time I’ll know.)
2. Next, the guys got a giant furniture order packaged to ship. I entered all the info in only to realize that I grossly underestimated the shipping charge. Guess who coughed up the difference on that one? Hint: NOT my buyer. Strike 2.
3. And the final straw? The one that broke this camel’s back…
You see how nice and smooth and pretty that board is? You see all that outline really light on the board? Yep. THE WHOLE THING IS READY FOR PAINT.
This piece (for a dear sweet wonderful friend) was needed for a bridal show about a week away and I decided to bring it home to work on one evening. Why was I bringing it home? Well, you see. Because I ran out of paint at the shop earlier (that probably should have been a number up there too, but I was trying to be positive 😉
Zack offered to blanket wrap the sign and put it in the back of his truck. The piece wouldn’t fit in my car because it was full of packages that needed to go out, so I reluctantly agreed to let him bring it home for me.
Have y’all ever SEEN his truck?
I briefly considered putting it in the back of my car with the kids, but I quickly dismissed that thought as I figured those brides probably wouldn’t be too amused with chocolate handprints, etc.
Well… that probably would have been the better plan. Because what happened next almost did me in.
I wish I had a picture because then I wouldn’t have to say it. But I didn’t take a picture because then I’d have to look at it over and over.
I’ll try to explain.
Zack brought the sign in about 8:00 that evening (Thank the Lord the kids were in bed!). I could tell by his face that something was wrong.
Somehow there was a HOLE in the sign!
Yes. A HOLE!
Are you kidding me?
I’m not gonna lie. I hit the roof! According to Zack, he’s never seen me so mad that I “had to take a lap around the house”. That’s exactly what I did! I threw a big giant hissy fit that started with all manner of colorful language I’m sure (I have no clue because at that point I was in a bit of a blind rage), then I stormed through the front door and to finish my dramatic episode tore through back yard and back into the house through the back door and then got in the bath tub and cried.
Because sometimes, after a day like this, that’s all that’s left to do.
Oh, and I quit too. I said I was done. No more furniture. No more chalkboards. No more signs.
And then I went to sleep.
When I woke up I was still disappointed, but not so rage filled and dramatic.
And guess what?
I didn’t quit.
I pulled it together.
We made another sign.
And we moved on.
Next time I feel a day like this coming on, hopefully I’ll remember this time and be a little less rage filled, a little less dramatic and a little more calm.
But instead of making lemonade, I think I’ll just go straight home and make an extra cup (POT) of coffee!
Kelly McKenzie says
Wow. I so get this. It’s my life. You did what you simply had to do. Throw a fit. Get on with it. Great post Courtney – although I’m sorry it had to be written!
Courtney says
I don’t wish this kind of day on anyone, but it sure is nice to hear I’m not alone! Thanks Kelly!