Are we ready to talk back to school?
Am I too soon?
Did you just click the ‘X’ in the upper right corner of your screen?
I know. I know. You aren’t there yet.
That’s okay. Neither am I.
But really, there are only about 20 (but who’s counting?) days until I am free of the hostage situation that has gone on in my house all summer. And by that I mean, I have just over 3 short weeks left with my precious dears before they leave me (FOR 5 DAYS A WEEK…WOO HOO!!) all alone and sad with absolutely nothing to do.
The truth is I will miss them both terribly. But I just might be a tiny bit excited about having more time to devote to all of this.
So anyway, I’m not sure about you, but for me this is the time of year I start beginning to think that possibly it’s a good time to get myself organized. And by organized, I really mean go to Wal-Mart or Target and buy cheap plastic things to label really cute so that we can use them for 2 weeks and then use them as dog bowls or to water the plants with.
Sound familiar?
Yea, me either.
This year I have an idea.
This year I’m not going to go overboard with frivolous junk extras for our house in an effort to get organized.
I’m going to use what we have.
I find one or two things that are of high quality and are truly an investment that will benefit our family. It would have to be something I think we will use for years and years to come.
AND that will make our lives easier in the process.
Tall order, I know.
In an effort to find such, I’ve generally come up short. That’s a big part of why we do what we do and build what we build.
We don’t want to settle and we don’t think you should have to either. We think your house can be organized AND functional AND beautiful.
And if your like me and feel that there’s no time like the present, we can help!
And we’d love to! <3